Wednesday, December 16, 2009

All Summer in a Day

You're walking through the hall, happening to see a kid by themselves opening their locker. You recognize them as the weird kid no one ever talks to because they're completely obsessed with something, never doing anything unless it's related to that certain thing. The kid doesn't have any interest in making friends, either. You also know for a fact that the kid is a bit insane. Suddenly, a group of kids comes up and grabs the kid. They over power the kid easily because the kid doesn't have any friends to help them and no one, including you, even tries to help. You walk right on by, wanting nothing to do with the strange kid being shoved in a closet, not noticing when they never show up to the next class. In All Summer in a Day, the author describes how, Margot went insane because she isolated herself because of her obsession. Obsession is something to be feared, because obsession leads to isolation, and when you isolate yourself, you lose the friendship of others, which is one of the most important things you can have.
When a person isolates themselves, they lose any friends they might have, or don’t make any friends at all. The person loses contact with any other people, increasing chances of going insane. In the beginning of All Summer in a Day, Margot refuses to take a shower, kicking and screaming, covering her head with her arms, afraid to let the water touch her. Water symbolizes life, so to be afraid of water means a fear of life, and if you’re afraid of life, there’s something really wrong with you, so you know Margot isn’t really alright from the beginning. On the day the sun came out, the children locked Margot in a closet, forgetting about her. Margot being locked in the closet symbolizes her isolation. She can’t get out of the closet and the other children won’t go in, thus, Margot is alone, cut of from the rest of the world, unable to be with anyone else, or to go anywhere other than where she already is. In the end, the author suggests that Margot either died, or went completely insane.
Obsession is something to be feared because it usually leads to isolation. In the story, the author tells you that the only thing Margot spoke, read, wrote, sang, or generally thought about was the sun. Margot wouldn't even play games with any one else because they didn't have anything to do with the sun. The other children thought Margot was weird and stayed away from her because she hardly ever sang or spoke and didn't know how to play games. Margot also stayed away from other people because no one else shared her obsession. No one else wanted to obsess over the sun, so Margot never did anything with any one, and so isolated herself from everyone else to an extent to where even the teachers never noticed whether or not she was there. Thus, Margot isolated herself because of her obsession, so, in a way, it was obsession that made Margot go kind of insane.
People should fear obsession and isolation because they lead to the loss of friendship. Friendship is important because it is powerful; there's strength in numbers in a number of ways, and when someone has friends, that person has less chance of going insane. Friends are people to have fun with, as well as people to talk to. They're as important to life as sleeping or eating. Without friends, people wouldn't have anyone to talk to, or anyone to have fun with, and if people don't have social interaction, they go insane. Friends also help each other. If someone needs help, their friends help them, like if a group of people gangs up on someone, their friends would help them. Also, the people in the group ganging up on the person would usually all be friends. It’s the power of friendship. Margot didn’t have any friends so didn’t have the power of friendship, thus was unable to keep the group of children from locking her in the closet.
Obsession should be feared, because obsession leads to isolation. Isolating yourself leads to insanity because you lose the friendship of others. When you lose the friendship of others, you lose the power that keeps people from going insane; friends are that important. Friendship is a powerful thing that’s hard to gain but easy to lose. It’s the greatest power a person can have. People should think more about holding onto it than obsessing over things that don’t really matter; think about it, but not obsess.

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